Approaching Portrait Painting

19-02-19 - 19-02-19,
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Admission: £12

Location: Cromwell Museum and Huntingdon Town Hall

These are two separate opportunities for younger students to look in depth at the Museum’s portraits, and use varied media to produce their own. 

These sessions provide a great introduction to the skills and practice of making portraits with Tony Nero, and are complementary to the Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 art curriculums, but will offer a half day of total involvement and fun! We will invite participants to submit a piece of work that can be displayed in the Museum during the Easter holidays. 

All art materials are provided as part of the sessions, included in the cost.

For either of these sessions, book early to avoid disappointment by calling into the Museum during opening hours or e-mailing: [email protected]

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